What is Data Storage - What are the types of Data Storage - Common Data Storage Devices in our day-to-day life.
Data storage is a technology which is used to retain or store digital data on electromagnetic, optical or silicon-based storage devices. It consist of various electrical components which helps to store the information and it is core component of any computing device, as without a storage computers would have perform only some fixed operations and output some result.
Examples...?? just think about the smartphone or the computer you are using right now. It must be having some kind of storage like xx GB of internal storage or like x tb HDD. Ya, that's also a kind of storage device. Now, you must be wondering what is HDD and GB that i just talked about. Let me explain what it is one by one.
Let us first see how a data storage works......
Digital information is written in storage media through software commands. The smallest unit of measure in a computer memory is a bit (It's just a series of binary values of 0's and 1's), now these bits together in a group of eight is known as byte. Similarly, larger measurements are :-
- kilobyte (KB)
- megabyte (MB)
- gigabyte (GB)
- terabyte (TB)
- Petabyte (PB)
- exabyte (EB)
Now, lets talk about Hard-Disk Drive (HDD).
It's a circular platter coated with a thin layer of magnetic material. This magnetic disk is inserted into a spinner which spins the disk at a speed of around 15,000 RPM (Rotation Per Minute). while the disk is spinning, a high-speed arm is placed in the head of the disk where the first space is available. So, it kind of let you store data in a circular way. It is commonly used in computers and laptops
SSDs (Solid State Drives)
SSDs are similar storage device like HDD, it can read, right and maintain sorted data in permanent state without consuming any kind of power.
While SSDs server the same function as HDD, the inner components are completely different. Unlike HDD, SSDs do not have any moving parts. It store data using flash memory which allow it to transfer data faster than HDD.
SSDs do not store data magnetically, so they are immune to data loss due to strong magnetic fields. As it does not have any moving parts, there is far less chance of a mechanical breakdown. Also they are very light weighted and quieter and uses less power than HDD.
USB or Flash Drives
USB (Universal Serial Bus) devices are similar to solid state drives except that it is really small both in size and storage capacity compared to SSDs and HDDs. They also don't have any moving parts which makes them quite robust. They are so small that you can even carry it in a keychain, purse, etc. They are ideal for transferring small size data, backing up a small amount of data for future uses. It comes with both metal and plastic body which feels like almost weightless and make it easy to carry around.

Optical Drives ( CD/DVD)
CDs and DVDs are best for storing a movie, a list of songs, or software, although these devices are rarely used nowadays because of many disadvantages. They are not good for backing data for longer period as they do not have a long lifespan and if they are not cared properly, gets damaged easily.

It have a really low write and read speed, a CD can have a storage capacity between 650-900 MB and a DVD can have a storage capacity between 4.7 - 17.08 GB.
Ok, so this is all about Data storage and i hope you like it. You can write down in the comment section about the post, how much you liked it. Good Bye.......
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