Start your journey with C-Language Part 1 :
-Programming language -Types of programming language -Translators -About c language -Basic Syntax
What is programming language?
A programming language is a formal language, which comprises a set of instructions that produce various kinds of output. Programming languages are used in computer programming to implement algorithms. Most programming languages consist of instructions for computers.
How many types of programming language?
Programming language are two types:
Low level Language :
low level language is the language that computer can understand easily. It is machine depend ,required good knowledge on computer architecture.
Low level language are also two types :
Machine level language or Binary language or 0 1 language :
It is common language every computer can understand. It only understand
0 1 format language, computer can understand easily.
All machine level program written on
.obj file ⬇️
0100111101010111 1001011011111001 1111001111011010
called object file.
Assembly language :
Assembly language is a low-level symbolic code language. Mnemonics are use
such as MOV , ADD , SUB , MUL , DIV having their unique code . It is easy to understand .Then, Mnemonics is converted into machine level language by the help of translator called assembler. Machine dependent. 2nd gen language.
High-level language :
High level language is the language that programmer or users can understand easily. Easy to understand code and debug. The program is not directly executed by computer , always translator is required for execution. It machine independent. Example - c ,c++, java, python.
that computer can read easily.
The translators are mainly three types:
- Assembler
- Compiler
- Interpreter
Assembler :
Compiler :
Compiler is most popular and preferable translator. If whole code is correct then the program execute other wise it will show error on which line.
Interpreter :
Interpreter is also a translator. It checks statement step by step into machine language , it stops and shows error when one statement is incorrect. The program execute when whole statement check one by one until last statement comes.
2. About C Language :
C Language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1970 at Bell laboratories.Syntax of C language :
function type x , y , z
main( ) //function
............ //statements
fun( )
variable( ) //local
............ // statements